what’s the best UC schools for interior design?
i know UC Berkeley and UC Irvine doesn’t have interior design major so just forget about those tow,. but what is the best UC schools for interior design? please help me . thank you !
Top 4 Answers
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UC Davis is the only campus in the UC System offering a Design major for undergraduate studies. You can choose the Interior Architecture and Design emphasis for the A.B. (Bachelor of the Arts) in Design.
4 years ago
Uc Interior Design
I don’t know if any UC would have Interior Design. It’s not the sort of thing UCs are known for. UCs focus on majors that require research since they are major research universities.
For a job like interior design, which is more hands on, look at the Cal States.
5 years ago
Interior design? WTF? Good luck with finding a job with that in today’s economy…