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how much homework is too much?

I am in year 11 (second last year of high school). I work hard at school, and teachers sometimes give us 3 hours or more homework a night.

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As a teacher I can tell you that the rule of thumb is that it should be no more than 5 minutes for each grade you are in, so you are in the 12 year of your schooling (1-11 plus K) so it shouldn’t be more than one hour really. Some teachers just seem to think the power trip of making students do hours of work is fun.

It really depends on the classes you take. If you are taking any APs (A-levels), then that homework is justified. You need to be able to keep up and cover the material for the exams in appropriate amount of time. However, if you are in say basic English, 3 hours of homework is over doing it. In general I would say..

Advanced courses: 1-3 hours

Regular or Basic Courses: 30 min to 1hour

If it exceeds that, have a meeting with your teacher and explain that you feel the amount of homework is not advancing you knowledge, particularly if it is just busy work. If that doesn’t work or they supply you with bad reasoning, have your parents schedule a meeting with the administration.


I think that homework is useless. I would have 3 hours of homework too and most of the time teachers wouldn’t even check it. I wouldn’t get a lot of sleep some nights because I had so much homework.

.Are you really 11yr old? Or are u just bored to see what someone might say? Sometimes you could have a teacher give all of you too much homework. It’s true. The best thing to do, tell your mom. Tell another teacher, just to get someone else opinion. While your keeping tabs. Continue the job. She is your boss. Just like all of us around the world. If you don’t work, you don’t eat. Same as school. You have to do this kind of work. It molds you for this changing

Well, I think 3 hours of homework a night for me is too much. To me you should be getting about 2 to 2 and a half hours a night. But don’t take it as too much homework take it as practice. The more you do the more better you become and the better grades you’ll get in your GCSEs.

i am a teacher and i think that three hours of homeworks is a little excessive….i would think that an hour is a fair amount of homework especially since alot of high school students are involved in a lot of other activities to help them get in school

In every school i know this problem exists ! No worries, its time to work hard to get something. You can learn, remember a lot of things by writing, so why not to the homework by understanding each topic and answer each question by concentrating on the anwers you r giving.

If we tell you that that is way too much homework. What are you going to do about it? That is the thing about the school system today, they don’t really care how hard it is on you as long as they feel like they’ve done a good deed by graduating you.

Ok well first off i am a bit younger than that like but aw well my brother was in what we call upper sixth i is the very last school year ( i live in northern ireland) its way different and he was doing all three sciences, french and spanish and he was up to around 2 in themorning finishing his homework!! He ended up having to drop french and spanish because the homework load was way too much for him. 3hours of homework i think is very long but it is natural if you are in your second last year there will be alot of homework i am only in my fourth year of grammar school and can hardly keep up with the homework

Tomboy with girly tendencies
3 hours? i’d kill for that lol. we had to do a REALLY intense science fair in the beginning of freshman year for honors science. i started it as soon as i got home and was up until at least midnight every night/morning for like 2 months. then i had another 3-5 hours of homework for other teachers. ugh it was terrible. but once science fair was over i barely had any homework in any subjects at all. i wish they had spaced out the workload…

but i get to do science fair all over again come september! woooo!


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