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what dose ATTN mean?

what dose ATTN mean?

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Attention. Usually it’s an abbreviation on a memo or an envelope. For example, Attn: Suzy Lovely

5 years ago
Try not to worry. I know it is hard, but the “damage” is done at this point, and treatment is the only course of action left, really. Now, HPV or Herpes is a messed up little STD. You are constantly infected with it, but the symptoms (sores) come and go, on either a regular basis, or when you are overwhelmed with stress or you immunity system gets weakened, such as with a cold or the flu. To the best of my knowledge, there is no current cure, but it can be treated so that it is less of a problem. Still, it can be spread from one person to another even when you are not having an outbreak (sores). If you have it, this is probably how you received it. First, do you mean a sore (open chancre) or a wart? Since you are not fond of diagrams, I would describe a sore as a “wound” or break in the skin, with or without a scab. A wart is a small button-like growth, above the skin level, that we often see on fingers (associated with toads in legends) or similar to a mole that we have seen on most people (only “harder” or scaly). This is a big difference. A sore could be Herpes, but a wart may be Genital Warts, another STD/STI that gets passed around and rarely gets treated because it doesn’t appear to be an STD. If GW, then it can be treated also, and I recall that it was curable in most cases (unless it has mutated also). As far as I know, the duration of an outbreak is variable, not fixed. However, each person may have a routine time that they have a sore. This seems to be based on the individual, with stress and health being two major issues. While the tests suggest that this is not HPV, you should get tested for any/all STDs. The simple fact is that where there is one, there is often another, or more, keeping company. HIV/AIDS is the worst about this, as it can go without symptoms for years, unless tested for. I seem to recall that at least three STDs can appear as open sores or chancres. These would be HPV/Herpes, Syphilis, and Gonorrhea. If the test was only for HPV, it could be negative but it could still be either, or both, of the last two. Again, not all show up with physical symptoms, or even at the same time. However, the last two can be treated with antibiotics. It is possible that a lot is psychosomatic in nature. Your sexual organs are a very personal issue, and some people tend to worry about them more than others. Since it is part of your body, you should be very familiar with it, so you can tell when something is wrong, or out of the ordinary. However, cancer tends to be persistent, and doesn’t come and go. HPV can lead to cancer, but not in every case. Any STD left untreated can get worse, so it pays to get it treated as soon as possible. While all this sounds bad, there could be some very simple reasons for the sore. If you shave in the area where the sore was, it could have simply been in infected or irritated area (which often happens when you shave an area with a dull razor). Also, a very sharp one could have made a slight cut, which you didn’t feel, and then it started healing over and you noticed the scab. Depending on location, it could also have been clothing related. To be positive, you really need to see the area and run tests to determine if it is more than what it seems. Diagrams and explanations really do not do much good, and even a doctor cannot diagnose something without seeing it. The best is an educated guess, which doesn’t do much good with STDs. Due to the nature of STDs, limiting sexual contact during this time is wise. Also, using a condom is highly advised, as it is the ONLY form of prevention for STDs. Even oral or anal intercourse can spread STDs. Oh, if you have HPV, the sore means that you are very likely to spread it to anyone you have sex with. Even if the sore is not visible, you may still be able to spread it. While use of a condom will reduce that risk in males (passing it on) it may not in women. If the sore is outside of the area where the condom protects, the skin on skin contact can still spread it. However, due to male anatomy, and the nature of the sex act, the penis is cover by the condom inside the female, so that it is unlikely that she will get the STD. However, if it is outside of the condom area, it can still be passed (skin on skin) even if one is worn. Women get the worst of both worlds, as many STDs can be inside them, where they cannot be seen (the same for gay men). Hope this is nothing serious.

its means attention,..its wriiten in capital to get ur attention to something important in a letter or memo or something

Its an abbreviation of ATTENTION


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