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Want to be a music teacher but am in doubt…what should I do?

I want to go back to college to finish my Bachelor’s Degree in Music Education. I love music and feel I would be good at teaching students in junior high school how to play their instrument and techniques for performing in an ensemble. I would love teaching this however I still feel like I am not really into the idea of being a teacher. Don’t get me wrong, I feel educaation is very important but I do not feel like I am the type of person to be a daily advocat of it and really go out of my way to support education in 10 million ways. I am also afraid of having to deal with difficult parents when the students do not do well. I love music but am I kidding myself with going into this field? I could always learn another major but I would not love it nearly as much as I do with music. Music is not a strain for me to be involved with but I feel something else would be boring or just ok and at least not to the point where I love it.

Top 5 Answers
Alison P

Favorite Answer

Most teacher education programs build in a lot of on site experience so you can find out if you have it in you to work with children, other teachers, administrators, and yes parents.

If you truly feel that you could not deal with all that comes with being a teacher, then you should probably consider another career path.

This country is in need of teachers. But a person with a teaching certificate who doesn’t have their heart in it is worse than no teacher at all, in my opinion.


paulj0557-vacuum cleaner expert
You seem to have a similar profile as me. I am an educated musician, but never really got in to school that much. We should remember that often we get worried over nothing. Put yourself into a new song. I emphasize YOU. Accept a new profile for yourself. And think for a minute how other people see themselves doing things that they never would have dreamed of and then fall in love with it enough to show others. As a musician you already know that exposure to other musicians is the only real way to grow musically. You have an opportunity to go into a room of kids and help shape their style. Think about that one! Heck even the math nerds latch on to their favorite math instructor and the Book worms, their favorite English teacher.

Ask any teacher why they do it and you’ll get as many answers. One things for sure-they’ll all say it’s not for the money (LOL)

In the public school system you will see politics just like you do at any other job, but sometimes you’ll see folks with more passion. Hey, there’s something bigger on the line- the kids! Don’t let that passion intimidate you. You can stay low key about the whole mess. If there is anything a teacher is going to understand it’s the differences in people. You just keep your ONE goal in mind to be a great teacher. We try sooo hard to avoid being profiled! If we only knew that nobodies looking anyway. Learn THAT and the world is your oyster.

Much of your JOB as a teacher is going to feel like work. One thing I noticed in school is that the teachers who were the coolest to the students were also the happiest. I bet you knew teachers like that. Now do you ever wonder to yourself if they enjoyed the classroom more or the teachers lounge. I bet if you say the classroom then think about that for a while. I bet your right. Take that attitude with you. Kids are in SUCH need of good teachers. The kids don’t give a crap about all of that stuff you mentioned that you are afraid of. So don’t let THAT stop you. Good luck


If you don’t want to be full time dedicated to being a teacher then you should just teach private lessons for example piano. You don’t have to get a degree but it would help. Send out flyers and advertise and do what you love as a part time job. If you want to take it more seriously,then you should get a degree and teach music at a middle or high school.

I can tell you this…don’t expect to get a job fresh our of college. I have been struggling for years to get a permanent job. Be willing to take part-time, day-to-day subbing, private schools. Establish yourself. Start your own studio.

I love the profession that is why I keep trying. The joy of seeing a child play and improve is worth it.

I don’t like dealing with difficult parents, but that is the wonderful world of education.


Well, you can try it for a while…just to see how you like it…you do not have to be a music teacher all your life…so go for it…I know I love teaching…so good luck to you!!!

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