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Studied thing didn’t like for 5 years?

In Africa some countiers their Government opressed the student in high schools, to attend medcine you have get at least 99%…smart hhhm?…

I got 85% I was most hard time …My family wanted me study nursing And I don’t like it at all, but I was n’t have chnce because the time not avaible to chosse for the dealine and I begged my family to attend science collage because that’s second thing I like to be..but no way my family want me be nurse it is be nurse ….. anyway I gratudated with very good with Honor and I got job in the smae school in nursing assitant professor to teach ,,,but I travelled to USA. with my husband and I have chance to study what I like to be phsician….and I don’t know what I should to do the best for me, specailly I don’t have the money for medicine school and I don’t want get much debt because iam already have it,

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You have the opportunity to follow your dreams; don’t give them up because you are afraid. I don’t know of anyone who doesn’t go into debt during medical school, but they are well able to pay it off later on, and you don’t need to pay off the debt until after you have graduated. It is an investment in your future.

The other alternative is that you get certified here for nursing, live frugally for a few years, and pay off the debt you already have before starting medical school. You will still have to take out loans, but you won’t be starting on a base of debt. There is a tremendous need for nurses in the U.S., and the salaries reflect that.

By the way, our government has nothing to do with it, but getting into a medical school with an 85% would be impossible here too, so maybe your government just handled the function that the medical schools themselves do here.


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