Hey Everybody
Okay so here is the deal everybody i am going into grade 11 next year, and i have really hard subjecs and stuff and i was just wondering if anybody knows any website taht i could go to review my grade 10 work and get a head start on my grade 11 work. So basically i want a website taht i could go to to review my school work woth like lessons on it and stuff!!! Can anybody hellp me please. Thankz For he halp!!!
Top 2 Answers
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For math,go to .
Best way to review is to keep all your work from the previous year. Most people don’t do that. So, another idea is to join a Jump Start program. Most community colleges that I know about have such programs. You may also have sessions with some of your friends for review purposes or getting a head start. Another idea I hear some people do is to go to a community college and “audit” a class or classes. What that means is that you sign up for a class for free but, you don’t get any credit or graded for the class. The whole idea is to absorb information.
Hopefully, any of those suggestions may help. Wish you well.