please give examples of “non sequitur” in complete sentences if possible?
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Think of “non sequitur” more like 1,2, 3, 7, 4, 5, 6, 8.
there are traditionally two types of non-sequiturs
1. affirming the consequent goes like this
if a is true, then b is true
b is true
therefore a is true.
remember that although the conclusion may be true, what qualifies the argument as a non-sequitur is that the conclusion doesnt follow from the premise. here’s an example of affirming the consequent:
if I am a living human being, i breathe air
i breathe air
therefore i am a living human being.
this is not necessarily true. i could be any animal that breathes air. just because i breathe air does not make me a living human being. this is one type of non-sequitur
2. the other type is called denying the antecedent and goes like this:
if a is true, the b is true
b is not true
therefore a is not true
here is an example of denying the antecedent:
if I am in Hollywood, i am in California
I am in California
therefore i am in Hollywood.
obviously, not true. I live in California, but am hours from Hollywood. (also, note that is either premise statement began “if and only if a is true…” then the statements would no longer be fallacious)
there are many other types of fallacious deduction that can be qualified as non-sequiturs, but do not necessarily follow either of these formulae.
for example:
if I get a new iPhone, everyone will love me!
there is no actual link between people loving you and your cell phone, but we hear people talking this way all the time. much of advertising focuses on this type of flawed reasoning.
while i was at the doctor today, oh i need milk and bread.
tomorrow is supposed to be beautiful, i need a bowl of cereal.
i’m wearing a new dress, it looks like rain.
i was vacuuming, dinner should be ready by 6.
i hope this helped. 🙂
please give examples of "non sequitur" in complete sentences if possible?