My son of 14 yrs old has to repeat grade 8. Does repeat will help him perform better the next academic years?
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If he has a good attitude towards his repeat, so that he is motivated into working hard and avoiding another repeat or falling behind his peers, he will do better in the next academic years as he will want to feel that he did not fall behind for ‘reasons’ (you know how kids think, I’m one of the eldest in my year and I feel rather odd). If he feels that he’s been made to repeat grade 8 just because and he feels that he knows it all already, he may not have good attitude towards learning, hence he may have a chance of falling behind homework and/or not attending lesson because he knows what is going on already. Either way, you will probably want to check up how he’s feeling about the repeat and if he feels that the repeat is because things are against him and all, then you might want to make him feel that it’s not all bad and try motivate him into working harder etc. If possible, consult his teachers and ask if they can change the cirriculum slightly without changing the syllabus (just changing class activities, like for sciences, for example, they can do different experiments that still teach the same thing).
All in all, a repeat can clear up anything that he doesn’t understand too clearly and may not ask out loud for some reasons. It will also give him a chance to feel that he can excell above others in his year due to repeat, giving him a fat chance for good grades for the year.
No it will help him next year but he will inevitably drop out unless there are changes made at home. Namely force him to read every night. Story books. That will improve his mind a lot better than television and pizza.