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I need some college help?

Im dying to leave for college so here is the deal i have 2.9 gpa so I want to transfer already. I love the south and I see so far ppl are saying I need more time to put my gpa up higher. I was wondering though has anyone ever been to hampton Unversity, James Madsion Unversity or other south colleges. What collegese do you think I can enter in.

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Apply for any school you want and wait for a response?

You may be passing up on a great school.

Maybe your GPA will increase once you decide a major.


your best choice would be hampton because according to their site they require 2.5 GPA while JMU requires 3.0 and 2 years of college with mostly A ‘s and B’s. Theirs a site that tells you all the colleges in the United states and you can search it by state. list every university. its the Utexas site.

I think you should go to the university of florida for the florida gators! Thats where im planning to go and my dad went there too! So go to university of florida!

2.9 GPA might be sorta hard to get transferred with. =OO

no clue

just maybe apply to 3

find one that has a nice campus and good teachers


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