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How much do you care about spelling or spelling errors…?

…just in casual typing, like when answering questions or asking the on Y!A, for example?

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10 – It’s my biggest pet peeve. To me it is just silly to spell words wrong, and it makes you look unitelligent. At worst, there is this thing called spell check people!!. OOHH – the nuns at my old school would have a heart attack if they went on here!!!

On a scale of 1 to 10, I like my spelling to be 9. If I make a mistake that’s okay because I’m not perfect. As far as others’ spelling is concerned, I’d say 6 is okay by me. I know not everyone is a good speller. As long as I can work out what they’re saying (and I mostly can do that) It’s fine.


I care a lot. I would give it about an 8 or a 9.

Typos are one thing, but egregious errors where the poster obviously doesn’t care about the language or communication are something else altogether.

Spell Check feature is pretty much universally available.

What gets to me far more than spelling is punctuation – or lack of any punctuation, more often – as well as refusal to capitalize first-person pronoun, proper nouns, and first words of sentences.


As long as it’s readable it doesn’t matter to me at all. Everyone misspells words sometimes, it’s only when they get to the point that their post is:

“OMG wht 1s th gratst sng evr?!?!?111”

That’s when it bothers me and I just move on. If people can’t read what you type without a translator you need to learn some basic spelling, or use spell check. Spell check is great!


i care alot, i try to go back and correct my errors,i think some of the y/a members may just like to find a neat way of spelling or just be challenging.but i do think it says alot about you if you spell too many words wrong,we all by now should be great spellers ,if not we would not be good readers and know when we make mistakes or see mistakes,

I don’t know why, but it bugs me when people spell things wrong. Especially in a book or a newspaper or something. Shouldn’t they know how to spell? Anyway, I would say I would rate my dislike a 6. I try to get help on spelling if I don’t know how to spell something as often as I can.

Well, with IM then it is about a 6. But, in everyday life it is a10. Spelling mistakes make me mad. Or when people can’t use the correct word.

“Their is the car.” Come on. We learned the correct form in 3rd grade.


The Desert Bird
I’ll say 5. I can slitl apcect sepllnig erorrs, but pcnuautiton mraks and grmmear are mroe imtropnat. I htae it wehn pelope dno’t use flulspots or cmomas at the coerrct pcales. It mekas it dicifflut to raed if pcnuautiton is asbnet.

Me not care to much, I is alrite at speling, but sum is worser. I say in scale of 1 to 10 I care too

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