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how much do cosmetologists/cosmetics people earn?

and what majors do you take for that profession?

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Hi kitten….

Well, good news on two fronts! First, your “college” will last approximately 1 year, although it will very much depend on what state you are in as each state has its own licensing board. So you won’t really have a “major” in your “college” as everyone at your cosmetology school will have pretty much the same curriculum.

Secondly….you can make a LOT of money or very little, it depends on how success-driven and hard-working you are. Two weeks ago I sold my salon to a former student of mine who is only 21. Already she is making more of a profit with it than I was! I am very proud of her success. She’s making about $40 an hour gross income, so even after her expenses she’s probably still making over $25 an hour. Now……I’ve also had a lot of girls make hardly anything. But if you want to work hard and succeed and buy up salons and make a profitable chain……the opportunities are there for the taking!

Good luck!


a lot of money

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