How can I highlight a sentence and automatically capitalize it?
How can I highlight a sentence and automatically capitalize it?
Top 5 Answers
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If you’re using microsoft word, highlight the word and press ctrl+shift+A. Anywhere else, I’m not sure if you can do it without retyping it.
Select the entire line (by left clicking your mouse and dragging left or right) and then select the icon that says “highlight” and then go to “format” and select “uppercase” in that . In this way you can highlight and make the entire sentence all will be capitalized! NO NEED TO RETYPE THE ENTIRE SENTENCE IN CAPS AS ONE DUMB BLONDE SUGGESTED….
Depends where you’re typing this at. If you are in Microsoft Word, then you highlight the sentence, click Format on the tool bar, then click Change Case. and click the circle marked UPPERCASE. then ok.
No, you have to re-type the sentence on caps lock.
Interesting question, I would like to learn this also.