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Does it worry anyone else?

that there are people on here who post questions about going to college or about being in college and they van form a simple sentence?

It worries me as to what they are teaching them in school. I am not talking about typing errors I am talking about sentences that are not even close to being correct grammar

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Between that and the people from India on this forum who will do anything to grab the top jobs, yeah, I feel that the youth of America are eventually screwed while trying on their Abercrombie tops and other unnecessities.

What they’ll learn is that college is pretty harsh and unlike the politically correct environment of their high schools. Their high school teacher who is a community player is pushed by their individual communities to ‘hand out’ passing grades because gosh forbid they criticize anyone. When those kids enter the 300+ class sizes, the professor has no problem to flag them when they can’t achieve.


peachy keen
What’s it 2 u? Give people credit 4 going to college and even 4 inquiring because sometimes it takes more than a notion to continue forward with higher education. Don’t judge and unless u r sitting back with the highest degree possible, perhaps u should attend an English class with your run on sentences and grammatical errors in this question. CHECKMATE!

Some people talk differently when they are online – or in different environments, like around friends, etc. When I’m talking to a group of friends my grammar sucks – because I don’t care. However, if I’m in a professional place, I can use perfect grammar (and was actually the editor of a paper at one point). I wouldn’t hold it against anyone.

not all ppl can retain proper grammar or english skills it comes with practice and a lot of ppl dont have the patience to learn. once they are out of highschool or writting papers for post secondary they stop caring.

Well, you never know where a person is from, and nobody is perfect. Maybe they are math wizzes… who knows? Anyway, you too made a mistake in your question.

what’s a “van form”

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