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Does anyone know if Australians can apply for NYU? I Would LOVE to go there… PLEASE READ.?

Im 17 and in my second last year of high school.

I have a pipe dream, which is to move to New York and go to New York University. It probably wont happen unless im able to get a scholarship..

Does anyone know what the go is? Can Australians apply to study at NYU? Is there ANY chance i could get a scholarship?

Also, where is some of the best colleges in America, to do nursing?

Man, if you live in America, I LOVE YOU 🙂 hehe

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Of course you can go to NYU! You would be amazed how many schools in NY state cater to foreign students! As far as nursing, if you plan to return to Australia, check into what you’ll need to ethically and legally practice. If you wanna stay here, you can do a 2 year RN program, there’s no pay difference between a 2 year and a 4 yea RN program. NP and Masters levels pay more. The University at Buffalo has a phenomenal nursing program, but even better, Niagara County Community College is a two year program that UB based their program on!

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