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Best online university in US for undergraduate degree??

I want to go through the undergraduate degree with online university,but i’m not sure which is the best online university of US with resonable tuition fees.If any of have any experience of online university then please help me? USeful info would be appreciated. Thanks in advance….

Top 2 Answers

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I assume that you are from overseas, rather than from the US. You should know that most online programs are rather expensive – sometimes more expensive than if you attended the same school in person.

Many online programs are also of questionable reputation. Be cautious, and only look at online programs that are attached to reputable, brick and mortar campuses. Make sure that they are appropriately accredited – including professional accreditation, if it’s needed for your major (like nursing, engineering, etc.) Also be aware of the reputation of the university specifically, and online programs in general, in your home country.

So, I support the other poster in suggesting that you not look at U of Phoenix, Devry, ITT Tech, Kaplan, Strayer, AIU and other primarily online programs whose reputations aren’t very strong. But do look at the following reputable universities, all of which offer online degrees:

– UMass Amherst

– U Maryland

– Ball State U

– U Idaho

– U Illinois

– Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

– Worcester Polytechnic Institute

– Brooklyn Polytechnic Institute

– U Denver

– Drexel U

– Carnegie Mellon

– U Nebraska

– Babson College

– Pennsylvania State U

Stick to reputable schools and you’ll be better off. Start with the list, above.

Also, if you are interested in online programs from the UK, there are two I can recommend:

– University of London (which houses the University College London, the London School of Economics, etc.)

– Oxford University (which offers diplomas online, but not full degrees)

Good luck.


Mandy B
Please, please, please do not use University of Phoenix or other degree mill online schools.

I recommend checking out brick and mortar schools that have distance learning options. It will of course depend on what your major is but many state universities now offer distance programs. Ones I know of that you may want to check out University of Nebraska – Lincoln, and University of California Los Angeles. Otherwise check out instate options as they will usually offer lower tuition


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