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Who else finds the AP College Board gay?

How do you lose a box of free response questions?

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maybe you should blame the postal service for losingor misplacing them. if youre this angry (calling the college board names), then maybe you should take out a lawsuit against them or yell at them. they do offer retesting or whatever. goodluck, anyways.

What do you mean they lost a box of free-response questions?

For the SAT or an AP exam?

College Board, for the record, has had a number of problems with its Administration of the SAT. This past January they had to cancel all of the SAT scores in South Korea b/c they used the exact same test in January 2007 as in December 2005.

I have taken the test a number of times and each time they reuse questions directly from the “The Official SAT Study Guide” or from their online course. Hence, perhaps “gay” is not quite correct; maybe “tool” is more appropriate?


Well, seeing as inanimate objects, ideas, and companies cannot have sexual preferences, I wouldn’t exactly call College Board “gay”. And, while it may suck that they lost something (?), it’s inevitable that people occasionally make mistakes– have you ever lost your car keys, or your homework, maybe a shoe? How do you do that?

Thanks for pairing up the word “gay” with something you find unfair.

Use a better, more effective word and then you might find some empathy from me.


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