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Do You Believe that Blondes are Inheritantly Dumber than Brunettes?

Or has a very unfair stigma been placed on our society? what evidentiary claim do you have to prove either way?

and by ‘evidentiary’ i DONT mean “i have a friend that’s blonde and she’s smart” i mean, statistical information, if it exists…

(i have no opinion to offer, and i am not trying to put anyone down, i was just trying to provoke some thought this morning)

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That’s a tough one, especially since there are so few natural blondes (I have met three or four in my entire life). I don’t think intelligence has anything to do with hair color, but I’ve noticed a trend where reasonably intelligent brunettes bleach their hair blonde and then start behaving like total airheads. Maybe these women believe that guys don’t like intelligent women and would prefer a stereotypical “dumb blonde.” I know a lot of women bleach their hair blonde because they actually buy the old (false) adage “Blondes have more fun.” So if a woman goes blonde to get a guy or have more fun, then I would say she’s purposely being dumb. But if she’s bleaching her hair just because she wants to try a new look, nothing wrong with that.

P.S.: How can you tell if a woman is a natural blonde without taking her pants off? Simple: Just observe her hair color for about a month — if you never see the roots of her hair change color, she’s a natural blonde.


I don’t know of any statistical evidence, but I am a blonde and an RN student and I’m at the top of my class. I’ve known some dumb blondes, but I’ve also known some pretty dumb brunettes too. I believe hair color has absolutely nothing to do with how dumb or smart a person is.

i read an artical o n this subject befour and the dumb blonde jokes are just for peoples amusment! The jokes apparently started after a blonde queen in another country died because she was using makeup with lead in it and got lead poisening! so no the mith isnt true! Im a strait a student and blonde!

I think allot of women who are blonde turn their hair blonde play up to the part. I have come across more than a few burnettes who were dumber than a box of rocks.

credo quia est absurdum
No. Blondes have as much chance at the ‘intelligence’ scale as everyone else.

It makes for good jokes, tho.


I have to say that I am a blonde, and I am a straight-A student.

I think brunettes are just jealous =)


No. The color of your hair has nothing to do with your smarts.

no the are not.

Give your grades a lift Order