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Does anyone else besides me have a college degree & no job?

I feel so useless.

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Maria Gallercia

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Yes, I certainly know how you feel. I am unemployed with a degree myself. But we got to keep on networking and putting our resumes in AND eventually we’ll get a job that complements four years of hell. Good luck! 🙂

I have a job to “get by” at this time. I just finish with my Master’s and still have to live with roommates to help make ends meet. I have more education than experience. No one wants to higher someone with little or no experience, which sucks. If you can find a job in the field that you graduated in (like a random office job being a customer service rep), you can use that job to build up your experience. You can always add things to your resume that makes you look more valuable to the potential employer.

Very few people have jobs after they finish school. And most of the time, they know someone.


Actually I’m 25 and never went to college. I’m a computer programmer and technician.

I currently work for the State of Minnesota as a computer consultant 🙂 And I get paid far more than most people will when they’re near retirement.

That’s the thing about college and degrees. They don’t mean as much as they used to (very little now, actually). If you work right out of high school you’ll have 2-6 years of REAL work experience before the college crowd does.

Businesses prefer certifications than degrees, as stated in Forbes.


Don’t feel bad about yourself; it happens to almost everyone once in a while. I had lunch today with a former colleague who is smart and well-educated and experienced and beautiful and much-loved – and unemployed. Sometimes there is just no reason to it, and you just have to keep plugging away until it works out.

To those who say that degrees don’t mean what they used to – that’s true; they mean far more in most fields. Unless you are a computer technician, jobs for which you used to need a college degree you now need a master’s for. Certifications in most fields mean nothing. I’m not saying that in your field you might do fine without the degree, but the fact is that most college graduates do far better than most who did not. The average lifetime salary differential is close to $1 million, and yes, that is in favor of those with the degrees.


Yes. Right here. I have V.A. benefits though. However, I found out shortly before graduation that job preference went to high school student within their program and convicted felons also got job priority.

So now, I’m a house husband and a home schooling parent.


Do I have a college degree? No. But my sister got her PhD five years ago and she JUST got the job that she’s been dreaming of. She did get down on herself alot, which I can understand, but she finally landed a good career. Give it time, you’ll find what you want.

Yes but I’m in grad school. If you can’t find a job that uses your degree, just get a job you can stand, if you are a good worker your boss will see that and hopefully promote you to a job that uses your talents, skills, and education to their full potential.

Robert F
I make the same as I did before the degree.

Its not a good position to be in I found when I moved to my hometown that I had way too many quals for anyone to afford me, so Im overqualified, out of necessity Im gonna have to start up my own business real soon, or take up some crap labourers job. Wish me luck.

What did we spend 4+ years for again? Oh yes, to get a better job. Why hasn’t that paned out yet?

Give your grades a lift Order