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Americans what is the literal meaning of the term ‘redneck’??

Have just come across this terminolgy in a book….can I assume it is a term used by americans to describe other less fortunate members of your society. (please excuse my ignorance) Could someone please give a definition!!

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go with definition number one or three. hope this helps


Sharon T
Being from the south I just got a chuckle from your question but I can see why it is confusing. No, it is not less fortunate Americans. The best way to get the answer is from Jeff Foxworthy. He was the one who coined the phrase, even if it is in the dictionary. It is used in comedy referring to some people who just aren’t what we would call mainstream in society. He has made jokes like….you may be a redneck if your family tree doesn’t branch out. Meaning, your family have been marrying ones too related. Another one… you may be a redneck if your mother can cuss out a cop without dropping her ciggarette from her mouth. Look up Jeff Foxworthy and read his definition. You will get a good laugh. No, we from the south don’t really live that way but….there are some here who do make you wonder and make you raise an eyebrow!!!!

It means “a poor, white southern farmer” and comes from the fact that in the south, fair skinned immigrants from England and Ireland, working in the fields, would get sunburned around the neck.

redneck refers to poor farmers- “dirt farmers” who can’t seem to make a go of anything. The back of their neck gets sunburned from working and glumly staring at their shoes, so; “redneck”. they’re mostly descended from scots irish protestants -hillbillies . ps- I am one- I come from a long line of farmers, teachers and oilfield workers back in Oklahoma

~*Raymonds World*~
uh.. yea.. excuse me… =]

im a redneck, and i am not poor, lol or live on a farm.

Redneck is another term for people that know how to have fun

and arent stuck up rich Biotches… =]

Got it? Good.


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