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With my grades, how good of colleges would I be able to get accepted to???

GPA: 3.49

I am involved in ping pong club, the tennis/golf team, newspaper club, peer consouling and peer tutor.

What kinds of colleges would I get accepted to.

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First, more important than your grade point average, will be your college test scores. In many cases, you need BOTH great GPA and GREAT test scores. But all grade point averages are not the same. An A from a school district that is not highly regarded is not the same as an A from another school district, and schools know this. But a 1500 on the SAT is the same regardless where you went to school.

Second, schools do like diversity and active students, so while I am not sure about the ping-pong (not big deal in our area), tennis, golf, newspaper, tutor and peer counseling will all look good.

You could get into virtually any school, but it is likely that at the top schools (Ivy league, big ten, etc.) will be very competitive, and you could be turned down to many.

BUT do not forego applying to a few top schools just because of their published test and admission reports. They almost all take other students as well. It would really help (more than you think) if you can get a good recommendation from an alumni or (even better) your parents went to one of those schools.

Finally, you should apply to a few schools a level below, and then one “safety” application to a level down still. The reason: It is possible that you will be disappointed and surprised to need the safety, or the schools that do admit you do not offer sufficient financial aid. Your safety school should be viewed as a one year start, with a plan to transfer after you have shown improvements in grades, etc.

See your guidance counselor or, better still (and they WILL help you), call the admissions office at a college near you, and ask to talk to their admissions coordinator. They really know their stuff and LIKE to help students like you!

Good luck


Depends on SATs and course difficulty (extra weight on AP/IB other programs than regular courses). A 3.49 with lots of extra curriculars looks good though.

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