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Why is it that you never know how your voice sounds?

Its not like I don’t pay attention to my voice when I talk. However, when I hear myself on the phone or on T.V I sound different

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You hear yourself in your head. That is where the ears hear you speak – through bone structures and sinus cavities. My voice students are often taken aback when the hear their voice recorded, because that is not what they hear of their voice as generated in the head cavities as mentioned.

Everyone voice sounds different to them. My voice sounds extremely deep when I watch myself on video or hear myself on the phone. And I’m a girl with already a heavy toned voice so it’s uncomfortable for me.

When you hear your own voice, the reason it sounds different is because you are “hearing” it from two directions.

You first hear in the normal way, from the sound waves that exit your mouth and travel through the air to reach your ears.

But you also hear the sound waves that travel through your body. Your vocal cords vibrate, and those vibrations actually pass through your head, hitting your eardrum from the inside.

Both these ways your “hear” yourself happen simultaneously, altering the actually sound you hear of yourself.

Any other person will only hear the sound waves that exit your mouth.


I sound like a bunny rabbit when I’m on video.



this is a retorical question!!!

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