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Why don’t parents who CAN afford a good tutor, and know their child needs help, do so B4 school begins???

Each year August hearlds back to school thoughts and clothes are always the primary concern. Got to have the right look, right? I work with teens who DREAD school because it is a daily reminder of how they “are stupid” or daily tasks expected of them they could never in a month accomplish. As a teacher, I read “cumes” (cumulative folders) on the backs of which EVERY year’s teacher writes comments to help the next year’s teacher reach that child. Too much PC crap is written, and some of the true cries for help are written in PC form, but there are so many that just come out and say that the kid is failing. One kid, year after year comments with each year’s teacher, all saying the same thing, a woe of the child’s abilities, and never does the parent, rich or poor but driving an Escalade all the same, step up IN THE SUMMER TIME and get their child some help! You do not even have to sign up for the $1500 tutoring company that promises your kid will raise a level or more; look around.

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I guess the other question that we may want to ask ourselves is why is a student failing year after year even though they’ve been with us (educators) for 180 days a year? parents, for the most part, do the best that they can do or know how to do – what help do we give them in finding support? I’m an educator, 16 years, 2 masters degree, etc – my 5th grade daughter struggles with reading – her school was unable/unwilling to provide support for her. I spend $25.00/hr to give her additional reading strategy support but I had to find that support on my own. What can we as educators do to enable parents to find the help that their children need? I assure you most parents will do ANYTHING they can to help their children. My point of reference is that when my car is broken, I count on my mechanic to direct me to the right place, parts, service, etc. I don’t expect to come up with a service plan myself and then ask my mechanic is its a good idea. Aren’t we the mechanics? Just random thoughts 🙂

Parents don’t get a tutor during the summer because it is THE SCHOOLS responsilbility to teach the child, NOT the parent!

Why don’t schools follow the federal IDEA and state special ed laws and help children who have these problems, instead of saying the child is lazy, stupid, it’s the parents fault, etc.

And the schools also pay thousands of dollars for school attorneys to fight parents becuase they don’t want to help the children. Why didn’t they just go ahead and help the child, would have been SO much cheaper, since the schools gripe about not having enough money for special ed.

When in fact they use the sped money for football teams.


This is Jonathan Chan
You are not the first teacher/tutor who lament this. Follow the discussion here:

because they think there kid can progress if he is in school and is not tutored

Because they have no sense and dont know any better!

ok, you make a good point

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