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why do words like “bad” “gangsta” “killa” and “nasty” carry positive connotation?

Where, when and why did we start making these words positive?I guess before you know it, “retarded” and “dumb” might become synonymous with smart and intelligent?

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Actually retarded is already associated with having crazy fun…(BEP-Let’s get retarded)

It’s clearly a defense mechanism for those who like to boast about the bad things they have experienced in life. Rather than coming out stronger and wiser, they instead become conceited and think they’re defensively better than those who aren’t so “unfortunate”.

Also, yes, the “N” word is bad due to black history, so why can dark skinned people say it to eachother (yeah it doesn’t matter if the last two letter are different. It’s the same friggin word!) and then it’s cool and brotherly. If you’re not dark skinned and say it, you are a racist? Well, that’s discrimitation too! What’s happening to the world!?


5 years ago
Honestly, the majority of the world will see it as a bad thing. The majority will also associate the term “believer” with Christianity, which they also disapprove of because of how it’s organized. What they don’t realize is that most of them are against the organized religion of “belief”. Most atheists/agnostics that I associate with say they were either kicked out of a church, or led away BY the church because of who they are (before they turned from Christianity). People also hate believers because of the many believers that think it’s okay to shove their religion down people’s throats. How many “Believers” have you seen on YA that quote millions of scripture against your questions and don’t even give a reference? They’re the ones that say “The Bible says blah blah blah” and leave you hanging as to where the Bible says that. If I wasn’t a believer, they would probably push me further away. So in answer to your question, for the most part, it carries a negative connotation, but I would wear the label with pride.

Couldn’t agree more !! MY Hip hop antennae has been broken for years!1 Why is this culture of cop killing, women are just sexual objects to be treated like dogs, calling each other the N word glorified ? How come Liberals, and other women’s rights group never speak out about the degradation of women in the rap culture ? Record companies make millions off these crap. Show me the money has never been truer.

these are examples of people taking words that were/are used against them and stripping them of their power. Making a negative term into a positive one by (literally) changing or altering the definitive use.

It all has to do with acceptance. We accept it, and thus it is so. All I can say is to teach your children better than that but it is not happening. The points made about the “N” word and also about money are valid. We as a people are not concerned about each other, only ourselves.

Am I out of the loop again? I’ve always considered these to be words with negative connotations.

I think its because the entertainment industry pushes that up

on young peoples minds


Surely all these words have negative vibes?

I’m POSITIVE they don’t mean anything good.

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