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The best way to momrize……………….?

I start learning English from 5 years. So I have a small problem that I find difficulty to memorize the Egnlish words. Can u tell the best way to memorize these?

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1) Just keep saying it, it will work eventually

2) Write it on an index card or paper or something and put it next to your sink. When you brush your teeth, you normally don’t have much to do but stand there and brush. That minute and 30 seconds of time I spend looking at my paper and brushing usually makes me memorize it after the 2nd time I brush.


is write the note down and then u put in the place where u always meet like home toilet,study table wall just in front of you,your pencil case,if nessary u can put the note on your side computer moniter and one way is wrtite down on your notebook and always take out and see and memorize

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