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Brittany D

Which is a better career for a mother?

I am having a hard time choosing between nursing and teaching. I have wanted to teach for a long time, since I can remember. But recently I have started to feel a little *and I mean small* tug towards nursing.

Two of the Big factors that I have to consider are pay, and what would be a better career as a mother…

Any Nurses or teachers I would LOVE some insight as to how you feel. I want to be able to afford things for my kids, which is part of the reason why I am so drawn to nursing…

Also, in my state, NC, the state will pay for your education if you agree to teach for two years in the state for every one year you had *free* education. Please Help. School starts in a month and a half.

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I am in a situation where I am a teacher and my sister is an RN. We both were in school a total of 6 years before we entered the workforce and both had similar debt (student loans).

Teachers definitely have more flexibility, we work a fairly traditional work week, sometimes I am able to leave shortly after school to take care of personal business, while other times I am working hours (1-5) hours in my classroom after school.

Nurses, depending on the employer, may work 5 or 4 or 3 days a week. My sister works 12 hour shifts and some weeks works 3 day and some weeks 4 (nice). She typically has an easier time getting days off in that she does not have to prepare lesson plans for the next day.

The MAJOR difference is pay. My sister makes twice as much as me and the upper limit to pay is also about double. On our salary schedule I have about $45k and my sister makes about $85k.

I would say stress level is about the same.

Personally, I think it is a bad time to get in to teaching. In CA (I’m sure in other states as well), the state and federal teaching standards are really putting a lot of stress on not just teachers, but the students and school administration. So much so that the school climate has changed drastically. Teaching is not as fun as it used to be and there is very little “fun” in learning. The personal touch as been take out of the teaching equation. We are expected to teach the curriculum the way everyone else is teaching it.


I feel that you know that you want to teach. Teaching has set hours and school holidays so you can spend lots of time with your children. Its nice to be able to afford things for your children and im sure with teaching you wont struggle or anything, its decent pay, but ask any child and they think the best present is spending time with their parents.

I think you ghave to do what you feel you would enjoy the most. It isn’t always about money and having things. I am a teacher and I have two children. The pay isn’t awful and I get to enjoy lots of time with my kids. Nursing can sometimes occupy a lot of time, hours are not always constant, and it can get stressful. I think they are TWO completely different occupations…you need to consider which you feel your personal strenghts will show in. If you are happy with what you do your children will appreciate you.

Teaching is good for a mother because of the hours. You would get off work at the same time as your kids and have vacations off with them.

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