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How can I calculate my G.P.A. on my own?

Is there a formula?


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C_Millionaire is correct if all your classes are equally weighted and have the same number of credit hours. However, this is not always the case in college, where you may have a 3 hour Algebra class and a 5 hour Chemistry class.

To figure GPA in this example, multiply each grade (A = 4.0, B = 3.0, etc.) by the number of hours for the class. Add all this up and then divide by the total number of hours for all the classes.

Ex. Suppose you make a B in the 3 hour Algebra class and a A in the 5 hour Chemistry class.

3.0 * 3 + 4.0 * 5 = 9 + 20 = 29

Now divide by the total number of hours attempted (3 + 5 = 8):

29/8 = 3.625



well, it’s just an average of all your grades, hence the name Grade Point Average. Each class has a possible total points of 4. IF your school operates on a 4 point scale, which most do. My high school went on a 5 point scale, so I had to convert it all the time for my college applications. So anyway, on a 4 point scale, each A you get scores you 4 points. B’s get 3. C’s get 2, D’s 1, and F’s 0. You add up all the points, then divide by the number of classes, to get the average. However, if you’re calculating a college GPA, you have to figure in other factors, such as credit hours.

This is how we did it at my university:

A = 4

B+ = 3.5

B = 3

C+ = 2.5

C = 2

D = 1

Look at each subject, note the number of units.

Lemme give you an example:

If these were my subjects for the semester and their respective units:

English = 3 units

Intro to Psychology = 3 units

Zoology = 5 units (has laboratory)

Math = 3 units

Intro to Sociology = 3 units

and my grades for each were:

English = B+

Psych = B

Zoology = C+

Math = C

Sociology = B+

My GPA would be computed like this:

English 3 units x 3.5 = 10.5

Psych 3 units x 3 = 9

Zoology 5 units x 2.5 = 12.5

Math 3 units x 2 = 6

Sociology 3 units x 3.5 = 10.5

GPA = Total points (48.5) divided by Total number of units (17).

My GPA would be 2.85.


♥ Hello
its simple. just figure out the average. A’s =4.0 B’s=3.0 C’s=2.0 D’s=1.0 and no credit for F’s so add up all the points and divide by how many classes that you got the grade from.

Jimmy Y
For more precise GPA’s ask your guidance counselor for the GPA or you can ask a teacher for their teacher’s manual. Look inside it and there should be a GPA Conversion table for your school’s gpa. Like 4.0 = A+ , 3.8 = A, etc.

well you figure out the grade points for each of your classes (a=4.0, a-=3.7, etc.). then you add it all up and divide by the number of classes you took

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