Which class to take independently?
I am going to be junior in high school next year. I have finished pre-calculus and am going into calculus. Due to a lot of scheduling problems, I have to choose between taking honors English or calc. I have the option, however, to take calc. online or I could do English independently and meet with the teacher during the week. English will be hard because I will miss out on class discussions, while learning calculus independently will be just as hard. What would you recommend me do?
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Which course do you feel the most comfortable? It’s really your choice and your decision. It sounds like you are a whiz in mathematics. So, you may want to take Calculus online and take Honors English face-to-face in a classroom setting. I taught Honors English 11 this past school year, and personally, I wouldn’t recommend taking this class as an independent study course unless you don’t need instruction and can literally teach yourself; further, you will be required to read a tremendous amount of literature on an accelerated level together with writing many different types of essays or compositions and of course, the all-important research paper along with grammar and vocabulary. Junior Honors English is very comprehensive and requires many hours of work, both in and out of the classroom. So, I would recommend taking calculus online and taking Honors English in a face-to-face classroom setting (not online or independent study). Good luck!
I say take calc independently because you can have more one on one time with the teacher just in case you have a question they’ll be there to answer it.
And you should do English with the rest of the class, because other people’s imput on… say a certain story, I think is important. Just so that you get other views on stories and stuff.