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where can I find resources to help my child in her studies.?

I have 2 daugters at school and am always searching for educational websites to help me understand how to help them in their studies or how to get help with diferent problems they come up with. I have to help my 5 year old learn multiplication but I dont know how to make them easier to understand.

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Ask their teachers!!!

isn’t this insane????

I remember we learned the times tables in 3rd grade, and learned to read in 2nd grade.

why the push, they are only 5 yrs old………..they should be making friends and learning eye hand coordination, and I will look up some websites for you, but the school should be providing this for you.

Flash cards worked for me as a kid with math. it’s all about memorizing.

look for a teacher supply store online or in your area, they will be stocked with learning tools and good old fashioned flash cards!!!!


I am a recently retired elem teacher and I would say, be sure you know their strenghts and weaknesses. I love math and I hate science. So when you are teaching me history, if you use charts and numbers and graphs etc. I learn better because I like math. Be gentle with subject they struggle with, we all have weaknesses, think of you own weaknesses and how much you hate to do them whether it just be mow the lawn or whatever. Here is a great one for math, I have taken these teacher classes and used this hands on approach

well- the only resources i know of are: throughout, i know for a fact that there is a section reserved for kids education)

dats all i can help with!

good luck with your children ;))


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