Whats the Principal’s Agenda?
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Elliot’s Story
Elliot Chambers story in his own words
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Elliot Chambers
Woodbury High School student
April 9, 2001
My name is Elliot Chambers. I am a 16 year old sophomore at Woodbury High School in Woodbury, Minnesota.
In December 2000, I went to a George W. Bush support rally at the State Capitol in St. Paul. I saw another teenage guy there wearing a “straight pride” hoody (hooded sweatshirt), and thought it was cool. I found the shirt particularly appealing because of my personality, My motto is “why be politically correct when you can be right?! ” I asked him where he got his shirt, and he directed me to straightpride.com. When I got home later that day, I visited the website and ordered a T-shirt and a hoody.
I wore my “straight pride” hoody to school a couple of times and started getting feedback right away. Most people thought my shirt was awesome and wanted to get one too. But, others hissed and spit.
On Tuesday, January 16, I wore my “straight pride” shirt to school and got called into the Assistant Principal’s office. She said that a girl had come into her office complaining on behalf of other “gay” and “lesbian” students who were “offended” by my shirt. The AP said she wasn’t banning the shirt, but wanted to warn me that people were offended by it and that she would be talking to the principal about it. And that he might actually put the kabosh to the shirt.
Sure enough, the next day, the Principal called me into the office and said that my shirt was offensive to the “gay and lesbian” students and banned me from wearing it anymore.
Here’s the catch to the story. Woodbury High School has what’s called “safe zones” where 48 to 50 teachers have volunteered to allow their classrooms to display a large poster with an inverted pink triangle (the universal symbol for “gay pride”) with the words “safe zone” on them. In these classrooms “gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender” students can express their sexual preferences without harassment, retaliation, ridicule etc. These “safe zones’ also display the following advertisement:
WOODBURY HIGH SCHOOL SAFE STAFF TEAM Listed below are some staff who have information about a safe and respectful environment for gay, lesbian, and bisexual, staff, and families. Confidentiality respected.” (The ad then goes on to list all 48-50-classroom numbers and faculty members’ names.) This is clearly recruitment into the gay and lesbian lifestyle. The school banning my shirt is blatantly a violation of my Constitutional right to free speech, and an extreme double standard. Plus I was called into the Principal’s office twice and harassed because of my sexual “orientation” (translated – I am what God made me – straight and abstinent!)
My parents and I went in to see the Principal to discuss the violation of my rights. He was not moved. I felt defeated at the time and went to the mall and had a custom T-shirt made with the words “Help, I’m being Repressed!” (My favorite line from Monty Python and the Holy Grail). I wore it to school the following Monday. Here’s the humor: I was stopped by at least 15 students who asked me what the word “Repressed” means. I believe the point can be make that public schools have sunk to an all time low. They have abandoned the goal of educating students and have chosen, instead, to indoctrinate them into left- wing, liberal wacko ideology.
My parents and I have been on a massive e-mail campaign to every news outlet that will listen to us, and share our story. We also have engaged an attorney to help us fight for my right to free speech and to flush out this can of worms they call public education in Woodbury.
The nice folks at Straightpride.com have promised to forward all comments to me concerning my story. Please send emails of support to [email protected].
In the political scene of teaching, you may be happy to know that the principal generally toes the line with the administration, which generally toes the line with the local School Board, which is a democratically elected body of officials who do necessarily need education experience in order to be elected by taxpayers. So, for example, my principal’s “agenda” is a direct consequence of Board policy and is unlikely to be influenced by teachers or their unions.
Since, as usual, you offer no specifics but just broad, unsupported generalizations, that’s the best answer I can give.
2) To make sure state standards are being met
3) To keep parents happy
4) To make sure Special Ed. compliance standards are met
5) To keep their bosses happy.