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What year in high school do most people become an exchange student?

I want to be an exchange student my senior year, but I didn’t know if there is a better time to study abroad.

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So i think the best year to go is senior year.Im a foreign exchange student in switzerland right now and in my senior year.I love it.People respect you more because of your age and I dont have to go back to high school when I get back but I get to go to college which rocks.Its a little hard doing college apps while I am here but in the end it is all worth it and I encourage it.If i could reccommend a program I would say rotary because it is cheap and awesome and you get to hang out with tons of cool foreign xchange kids.i hope you do it

5 years ago
Walk right up to your school administrator and ASK if you will be given credit for the missed academic year or allowed to take some make-up exams. It depends on your country. It depends on your school. I know people who returned a little early from their exchange year to take school-leaving exams and graduated. I know those who had to repeat their senior year. BUT, if you ask me, repeating a year won’t hurt you, and spending a year abroad is an experience not to be sneezed at. And, if you do well in your classes, colleges should be fine with that. Well, and some schools don’t let their exchange students graduate. Like, American schools don’t.

blue eyes
Sophmore through Senior years.

I always had exchange students in my high school that were either a Sophmore or Junior.

Mr. Taco
Most do it their sophomore or junior years. Senior year is when you want to be with all your friends, because you’ll be parting ways and may not see each other much! You go your senior year and you’ll miss your prom and everything. Suck. Of course, if you don’t care about that kind of stuff…

Usually, it’s when you’re 15-16 years old, in 10-11 grade. But some go earlier of later, just depending in wich school division or school you’re in.

we’ll i think the freshment students are the one become an exchange student because, from gradeschool nature of studying , freshmen have lots of adjustments, specially on how their going to interact with their new classmates, new sets of knowledge, new sets of curriculum that the secondary education were goin to introduce with them. preparing themselves to most critical stage of their learning in college.

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