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What should I do to manage my time better and more wisely?

Well. Hi everyone, I’ve been having a good summer, and I recently got back from a month long vacation, so now I’m having trouble managing my time. I always say, oh I’m going to do this, and this, and this, and write it down, but during the day, I always get distracted and say I’ll do something in 2 hours, and then I never get to it, and before I know it, it’s bed time. I’m going into 9th grade, am 14 years old, and am supposed to do math work as well as vocabulary, and biology too. Also, I am supposed to read in my spare time. I get some of those things done usually, but not as much as I would like to. I am not setting my goals too high, but I just can’t seem to do what I want to do and focus.

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Because your time is your own right now this makes getting things done even more difficult. I completely understand that one. I’m way older and I have the same problem. I think almost everyone does!

One way to approach this would be to figure out when during the day is your most productive time.

You could for example say that you’ll start with vocabulary at, let’s say 9 a.m., get a certain amount of words/ pages done. Let’s say for an hour. Then take a 30 minute break. Then do math from 10:30 to 11:30. Take another break. Then do math. So you’d be done with most of your stuff by let’s say 1 p.m. or earlier. Then take the afternoon off. Have fun and do whatever you like.

And in the evening do some of your reading. The reading you can also do when you’re outside by the pool, or just sitting on the porch and listening to music, or on the bus going somewhere, or waiting somewhere. Look at the reading as your fun part, maybe (well, I guess that also depends if they assigned anything interesting).

So… if you focus on your “formal” asssignments in the morning, then you can enjoy the afternoon. But make it flexible. I mean, you probably don’t have to do this 5 days a week. Don’t be too hard on yourself and just take one assignment at a time. Step by step and with persistence and you’ll be fine.

Good luck and enjoy your summer.


Alan G
Nina got it in a nut shell. Set a time, and a amount to do. Stick to your schedule, add more work when you do not do work you assigned. make the additions Small but inflexible, they must be done too. Learn a poem , Ogden Nash might do or another math problem. LOL But do the work.

Have a place that you go to to do the the work. The library always worked for me. The trip there let me review in my mind what I needed to do and what that would lead into. Aim at the goal but they will define new goals as you work. Learning is fun, but it is work, treat it as such, and go to your job every day.


celeste p
well I have the same problem… or I did… its hard managing your time. Its good to look forward to things… and it’s good to have things organized. For example I write a list on what I have to to do and how long I’ll have time to do it. One good way to not get distracted is to make thinks fun, like play with biology.. and solve math with games. Also, what I do is that I tell myself that write after I’m finish the WHOLE day is left… and I wont have to worry about it constantly. I usually have something fun planned after I do my work… so go ahead and have fun and try to get yourself thinking right again

Best of luck-


I find that making a list/schedule has worked for me in the past. Now that I’m older I waste too much time procrastinating but I will go back to making my list of things that need to get done.

You might make a list in the order of how important each is.

Priority is what you have to keep your focus on. You are in charge of your time, don’t let interruptions get in the way!!


First thing. If you can get up early, go workout, go jog, walk, whatever, get your body moving. That increasing curculation, gets your brain going. Once you do that you usually want to do more.

first of all have faith in urself

what u have in front of u just study it


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