What’s a good and interesting topic to write about Spain.?
Favorite Answer
Spain’s eighteenth century (The Enlightenment is a big deal in France, but most people don’t know much about the same time in Spain
-the different languages of the country (Castillian isn’t the only one!)
-the current debate about bullfighting in Barcelona
-the symbol of the bull versus the symbol of the donkey (represents Catalunya)
-contemporary Spanish music
-the debate about real versus artificiala wine corks (seriously, it’s an important matter since many farmers’ abilities to support themselves are threatened by the trend to use artificial wine-stoppers rather than those made from cork trees
-immigration trends (check out info about the Barrio Lavapies in Madrid, for example)
– origin and characteristics of the Basque language (euskera)
-you might want to glance at a few spanish newspapers (elpais.com, for example) for other ideas about contemporary issues
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