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lisa c

What is your #1 pet peeve?

Please give your reasons.

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profanity. I get so tired of hearing swearing and cursing. Our language is filled with wonderful words and I wish people would use them, instead of just vulgarity.

Noone i
One of my biggest: people that start a game of Literati and either:

1) walk away from the computer

2) go back to work for a while or until the boss leaves, or

3) have several tables playing at the same time and dont give a rats rear about wasting MY time, or

4) people that are so stupid they need to cheat playing Literati, including: dictionaries, helpers or cheating software. STUPID!!!


Poor restaurant service. If you’re paying for it, why shouldn’t you get it?

Some places just have bad customer service, meaning I give only a 10% tip & never go there again.


People who ask for reasons without giving their own.

Thumbs down? How can that be a bad answer? I was asked for an opinion.


When people chew gum with their mouth open because it’s rude and disgusting

Rockstar ☆
when I hear someone eating while they’re on the phone with me…..I hate that!!!! I hate hearing the chewing sound!

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