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what is wrong with this university?

i just want to take online courses since i cannot make this fall there, they are making it like its a big deal, one person told me that it may not be possible for me to take long distance learning, other told me that i should take whatever courses i want THEN they;ll see which are transferable ?

all what i want is to take 15 credit hours courses , online courses,that actually transfer toward my actual degree, i dont even know whats the big deal here, why cant they just tell me which courses that can actually count, and i pay the money,give me the course everybody will be happy !!

they send this E-mail,i dont really get anything from it

look “It is up to the student to look at the course descriptions and decide which course they want to transfer. Once you decide which course you want to take in the summer, then you complete a petition to request that course replace a UofA course. The petition is filed with the academic advisor who in terms routes the petition through the departme

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Look up your specific program in the school catalog- enroll in the requred courses for your program. I would take (if you are a beginner) eng 101, college algebra, history, sociology, and an intro course in your area.

Taking online courses through a different school is a big deal. Your primary school wants to make sure that the courses you’re taking are equivalent in subject and difficulty to those you would have taken at U of A–that’s only fair to the students taking the same courses at U of A. They’d be cautious anyway, but the online component makes them especially wary.

That said, I would make them commit to accepting the credits before forking over the money for the online classes.


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