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What is the VCE of Australia equivalent to? Please help!?

I’m migrating to Australia, and have just finished my GCE O levels. So should I apply for Year 11 or 12 for my A Levels??

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This is complicated.It all depends on what age you are.Now at year 11 you can start sudying for the major exams SSABSA .These results willl determine your path career to uni or Tafe. Then there is SACEwhich is not focused on so much study.That one requires less study .You have to doMaths and English but its a vocational certificate.Lots of schools offer vocational courses which leads you to a job.You need to check out the proper information.SSABSA is the one where you need to sit for proper exams if you want to be a doctor or vet .Exams are usually held in November. I dont know that this was helpful info.I am from Australia.There are 2 terms left of the school year.

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