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What is the MOST ACCURATE IQ test on the net, that actually gives you your IQ at the end. 10 points for best a

nswer, It must give you your iq and not just say /you have completed the test, now pay a million pounds and you will get your IQ.

Top 4 Answers
George Y

Favorite Answer

Most people would name the online test that gave them the highest IQ score.

True IQ tests are more than multiple-choice and require trained individuals to interpret them.


Mira N
There isn’t one.

IQ tests are flawed. Many of the questions are culturally biased and assume the test taker already possesses certain knowledge.

The tests should also be timed. If one has a slow connection or the mouse suddenly stops working, that will affect how long it takes you to answer.

Some questions require the test taker to choose a colored object. What if your monitor’s color is off? You will pick the wrong answer.

IQ tests on the net are useless.


BBC website is very good for all kinds of tests, including IQ tests, and they give you your IQ at the end.


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