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Calvin James Hammer

What’s the key to successful teaching?

What’s the key to successful teaching?

Top 8 Answers
emily day

Favorite Answer

Wow, this is a loaded question. Classroom management begins on day one. Get that under control and stick to it. Also you have to have a plan you can live with so involve the kids in making this plan. Differentiate your teaching so that kids who are at all levels can learn; let them show you they know the subject by choosing their own forum of performance. Some kids can’t take tests, others could show you by making a poster and explaining it to you or the class. Be flexible in your teaching style. Make the students responsible. Break down learning new things into little steps so that you can assess who is getting it and who is not. Love them, and if you have one who is especially difficult, search with your heart to find one thing that you can focus on to give that child confidence in their learning. Make the students the teacher – give them a topic to teach to the class as an individual or as a group. Treat them with respect and you will get respect back. I could go on and on. Good luck. Melanie

Sameer R
1. u should love teaching.

2. the subject u r teaching should be clear in ur mind, homework is very necessary.

3. u should be perfect in ur subject.

4. u should know various techniques of teaching. if a student doesn’t understand any point, u must be able to make him understand by any other method.

these and many other points can be considered to become a good and successful teacher.


Enthusiasm and to show that you love what you teach. Enthusiasm more though maybe as it usually gets the most bored students awake and ready to be part of the class.

Love your students. Teach kids not the subjects. Robert Wilken claimed that we learn best by placing our “confidence in men and women whose examples invite us to love what they love.”

Russell B
The same thing that’s key to being successful in any profession: dedication, passion, perserverence.

So many things. Just one: Look for the best in every student and focus on that.

Library Eyes
you should love WORKING with children

it is not enough to like being around them but you must like working with them…there is a difference.

if you like working with children then you will continue to problem solve and study current reseach on learning to help your students become successful

You have to Listen… but you have to learn to ignore too. lol

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