what is the meaning of BRIC or Abbrevation of BRIC?
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BRIC Brazil, Russia, India and China (world affairs)
BRIC Brooklyn Information & Culture
BRIC Biological Research Information Center (Korea) BRIC Biotech Research & Innovation Centre
BRIC Biological Research in Canisters (NASA shuttle payload experiment)
BRIC Benign Recurrent Intrahepatic Cholestasis BRIC Brain Research Imaging Center (University of Chicago)
BRIC Blue Ridge Inventors Club (Charlottesville, Virginia)
BRIC Bristol Interactive Cluster
BRIC Bridge Research and Information Center (Civil Engineering Department at the University of Nevada, Reno)
BRIC Building Research Infrastructure and Capacity BRIC Belden Registered Installation Contractors
BRIC Breeding Ion Charge
BRiC Blue RIdge Challenge
BRIC Bergen Programme for Comparative studies on Resources, Institutions and Culture
General consensus is that the term was first prominently used in a thesis of the Goldman Sachs investment bank. The main point of this 2003 paper was to argue that the economies of the BRICs are rapidly developing and by the year 2050 will eclipse most of the current richest countries of the world. Finally, because of the popularity of the Goldman Sachs thesis “BRIC” and “BRIMC” (M for Mexico), these terms are also extended to “BRICS” (S for South Africa), “BRICA” (GCC Arab countries – Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Kuwait, Bahrain, UAE) and “BRICET” (including Eastern Europe and Turkey) have become more generic marketing terms to refer to these emerging markets.