What is the meaning behind “Beware of the man who does not drink” and “Beware of the man who has no enemies”?
What is the meaning behind “Beware of the man who does not drink” and “Beware of the man who has no enemies” other tan literal interpretation?
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They tell you to beware of me, because I am so Goddamn amazing, that you guys in all your inferiority would probably not be able to live with yourselves after meeting me. Your lives would just seem to pale into complete insignificance. Sorry for telling it as it is…
I would suggest that the man who doesn’t drink is at an advantage in a riotous social situation, as he will have his wits about him. Beware him, for he may be staying sober in order to gain that advanatage, I suppose.
The man who has no enemies is either a liar, or has found a very good way to remove his enemies! Or – he is so scary no one will admit to being his enemy.
i dont know, i’ve never heard this quote but it made me think and this was what i got out of it!!
i guess the sober one is more uptight or has a worse attitude than the man who has no enemies… maybe the man who has no enemies is just some drunk guy that is easy going and gets along with everyone and just tries to let things go and love the life he has and the sober guy doesnt let loose enough to know that feeling so maybe the sober guy gets jelous of the drunk guy…….. so the sober guy in turn, turns into a mean alcoholic!!
6 years ago
“Beware of the man who doesn’t drink.” = He doesn’t need alcohol to give him the courage to do things you need alcohol for.
4 years ago
those training have been for the apostles, as they have been going right into a worldwide of fellows who have been Jewish with the aid of religion and the assumption of Jesus being the Messiah, became into no longer something they shared. as a be counted of certainty, they could stone you to death for making that assumption. God be with you, William, a bond-servant of Jesus <'(((><
Both are liars and hypocrites.