what is the important of computer to health education?
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There are tons of web sites with drug and consumer health information on the internet. It is the fastest growing source of health information. Drug companies, non-profit agencies like American Heart Association, American Diabetes Association, etc., physicians, clinics, hospitals, and self-help and support groups reach out to patients and provide information 24/7.
Some doctors are even setting up websites where patients can email questions and get a response instead of calling or coming in to the office in many cases. Those that have tried it, get a very high patient satisfaction response.
All health information is now stored in computers in doctors’ offices, clinics, and hospitals. It makes it easier to organize, retrieve, and share patient information. It also presents new privacy and security concerns.
In rural areas and undeveloped countries, the internet and teleconferencing is bringing first class medical care and consultation to patients who would otherwise not have access to necessary care or specialists. Many times, patients’ records, test results, or x-rays are emailed to a specialist who then advises or assists in diagnosis and treatment from a distance.
The computer is INVALUABLE and UNEQUALED as an educational tool.
PS–I totally forgot the online professional journal databases! You can access articles from the medical societies such as the Journal of the American Medical Association, Nursing, and so forth–an absolute wealth of information for everyone from patients to doctors!