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odaliz c

what is the best tech school to go to?and take up what course?

im just wondering which school to go to, and what to take up .something interesting that can catch my attention!

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Well of course I’ll hype about my school. I go to Stevens Institute of Technology. Which is in Hoboken, NJ, right across the Hudson from NYC. So the location is excellent. The campus is small and beautiful. Stevens also offers something kindda rare. A bachelor of Engineer, and not a Bachelor of Science in Engineering. So that’s great!

As for classes, it depends on your major. The first two years are a bit basic. There’s calc and sciences you’ll need. But they start you in engineering design classes right away. The first one is designing a lil robot. Stevens offers a lot of majors, even biz tech, if you don’t want to be too technical. You can learn to be our boss. Haha

Hope this helps. 🙂


MIT is a good “tech” school. They have an Electrical Engineering and Computer Science program, if you like that kind of stuff.

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