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nana ♥

What is proof that we are alive?

I know that one reason is that because we are breathing, but is there anything else??

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All living things are capable of: ORCA





We are capable of all those things and are therefore categorized as living things. Viruses, for example, are NOT living things because they are not capable of 2 of those things.


You will know only when you die..

Every one dies with the regret what a life he had and still did not live it to the fullest when he had energy and time….

this is very good question.. Man does not feel the joy of living..

just some how prolonging.. existing not living… waking up, pushing for office, return home, watch TV, sleep, do push up if needed .again sleep

Your question throws a light on the serious problem our society faces.. No joy of living. loving laughing

Why this state of affairs???

We have lost contact with our selves, our realitiy

our childlike nature

And to regain our original face. we need to have Hard Look at those Mafia which prevents us from Living our Life..

we are given Die for Nation, Die for Society, Die for parents Die for Religion.. No one says Live for Your Self.. Love Your Self…

Your Question is very basic and very deep touching, if seriously thought about , is capable of changing the whole world..


By definition, being alive means you are aware of yourself and communicating with others. By the fact that you are asking questions means you are alive and the fact that I am answering your question means I am alive. I don;t know about the others, unless I call them,

old lady
In your case, you might consider the fact that you are physically proving that you are alive by manipulating your fingers on a keyboard to send a question, and that you are mentally alive by formulating that question in the first place.

That is an odd question. Another thing is we are able to move around and think and smell the roses.

pinch yourself, did it hurt ?

do your have an animal do you feel for it??

do ya love your family

do ya love the sunshine and or rain

yep your alive

do ya have commercial on TV and or politcal advertisements

YES you are alive and kicking

have fun


The fact that you are able to create causes and effects that are observable by yourself and others.

“I think therefore I am”.

But are you looking for biological answers? There’s pulse, electrical activity in the brain and sensory reactions.


our heart are beating there blood running through our bodies and w have a palse. how this anwer ur question : )

oh and the fact that ur able to cause something to happen and feel its effects!!!!!!!!!! : )


that is a good question. but maybe were not alive this is all just a dream! maybe?

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