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Does anyone know any fun ways to do multiplucation?

I’m tutoring a kid who needs help with multiplucation. Any ideas?

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I just found this on yahoo–and as an Educator, I will be adapting these when I teach math.

watch them–they are some new ideas, the first one i believe just requires you to draw sticks and count vs. multiplying in your head, etc. the second video requires you to know your multiplication table. Of course, it is always best for children to know/remember their multiplication table.


Kalamazoo Mark
A kid may like using your fingers to help with multiplying by 9. If you hold your hand up, and count on your fingers and leaving the finger on the last number bent, you’ll get your answer. For example, 9×3, you’d start with the pinky on the left hand and count in, leaving the middle finger bent, your answer would be 27, 2 (pinky and ring finger on the left hand) and 7 (index finger, thumb and all the digits on the right hand). It works all the way until 10. Some kids will think it’s cool and it will help them stay interested.

I suggest you look at – they have an incredible multiplication program, complete with DVD, additional suggestions in the teacher manual (I believe these are $20 together), and blocks that you can use to build out the concepts. (These can probably be found for way cheap on ebay.)

The level of the book for multiplication is called Gamma.

There’s also a great project folder (lapbook) on called Multiplication Pizza Party. If the kid is in 2nd-5th grade or so, they’ll love it 🙂 It’s full of paper manipulatives and games to help them learn the times tables and concepts.

Good luck!


You could make him/her do all of his math problems by doing addition, then multiplication might seem more fun since it’s a huge shortcut.

Try dice or dominoes. Cards are a great way too. Yahtzee was alot of help with my boys. They thought of it as playing, not work…

yeah… it with food….or snacks….like gummy bears

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