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what is intellectual piracy?

what is intellectual piracy?

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It is, more specifically than just “stealing ideas,” *plagiarism*: using ideas or copying others’ words without acknowledging the source or author. Academics “reuse” others’ ideas, so to speak, all the time. That’s what research is for: to find what other people have said and synthesize it into something sort of new. But in the process of paraphrasing what other people have said, you must inform your reader *who* said it, when, where, etc. (That’s why we learn in high school English classes how to make bibliographies using the Modern Language Association citation format. This gives the reader information about who said what where and when.)

So be honest and give credit where credit is due.

“Intellectual Property” is also a leagal term for anything produced by an individal and thus belonging to them. When I worked as a correspondent for Rugby Union Federation in London, England, the Pro Rugby players also reffered to their images as such, so that no compeny can use anything relating to them without their (Or their agent/club) specific permission, and payment.

stealing ideas

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