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What is included in Trigonometric Ratios?

Maths assignment again!

Just wondering if you could tell me the key points, topics or things so to speak that are under this topic?

Thankyou for your help!

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Trignometry is mainly the relationships between the sides and the angles of triangles and the calculations based on them, particularly the trigonometric functions.

4 years ago
The sum of the angles is one hundred 80°. 3 + 4 + 5 =12 one hundred 80 ÷ 12 = 15 3 x 15 = forty 5, 4 x 15 = 60, 5 x 15 = seventy 5 The angles of the triangle are forty 5°, 60° and seventy 5°. enable s, m and l denote the smallest, midsection and longest aspects respectively. by the sine rule: s/sin(forty 5) = m/sin(60) = l/sin(seventy 5) s/(½?2) = m/(½?3) = l/((one million+?3)/(2?2)) So the ratio of the aspects is: ½?2 : ½?3 : (one million + ?3)/(2?2) Multiply by 2?2. 2 : ?6 : one million + ?3

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