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What is a better college degree to have: Business Administration or Accounting?

What is a better college degree to have: Business Administration or Accounting?

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It depends on what you want to do. If you enjoy accounting, there are wonderful opportunities for graduates in that field right now; certainly the starting salaries are higher than for most who get their degrees in Business Administration. However, you have to do accounting for the rest of your career, and if that isn’t something that appeals to you, the salaries don’t much matter. There are plenty of jobs out there for business majors as well.

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Some colleges let you do a double major so you could major in business administration and accounting. Right now my major is accounting and my minor is business administration its just better that way for me but then again I love numbers alot more then business. It really depends on what you want to do and how determined you are. So if I was you and liked them both try to do a double major which could be hard or just do a major and a minor. I hope everything works out okay with you, have fun in college.

It really depends on what you plan to do with the degree. If you are looking at starting and/or managing a business, I recommend either dual majoring, or majoring in Business Administration, with a minor in Accounting. If you are just looking to climb the scales in the business world (maybe becoming CEO or something of the sorts), then you don’t necessarily need accounting, but it would be a plus and would make you more marketable, so you may want to still consider at least a minor.

It really depends on what you want to do. Me, I have a Master’s in Business Administration. I could not do accounting because I could not picture myself crunching numbers all day. With business administration, I feel I learned a little bit of everything about businesses. I hope this will help me in the future to open up my own business. Good luck on your choice and pick the one that best suits you and your goals.

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