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What effect does cigarette smoke have on nature? Does it disrupt the ecological balance? How?

What effect does cigarette smoke have on nature? Does it disrupt the ecological balance? How?

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all the cigs that people smoke and throw out their car windows enter water ways and when animals eat them they can die, also they have been know to start forest fires. This happened a year or so ago in Florida.

Sure it does. It affects nature greatly as it can start forest fires, cause toxins to float in the air/poisons, contribute to global warming i believe which is the current disruption in ecological balance… also is harmful to humans causing 2nd hand smoke/ cancer of the lungs/ inflammation and can stain clothing as well as plants and animals. Damage the sewer systems clog your arteries….the list goes on.

smoke will cause so-many problems to the environment.

smoke has various poisonous gases in it, which disturb the ozone layer.smoke has carbon atoms in it which depletes the ozone layer and permits UV Rays to get in to the earth.

These UV rays very dangerous and can harm the bios.


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