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What does the expression “to the sticking point” mean?

What does the expression “to the sticking point” mean?

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The “sticking point” is the subject being discussed or written about. One should adhere to the point being referred to and not diverge from it.

Bob D
“Keep on the subject at hand.”

“Don’t veer off the subject.”

The “sticking point” is the “main subject” being discussed.

The “salient point”.

One might be asked “to keep to the sticking point” in a discussion when one is trying to avoid taking responsibility and does this by trying to change the subject within it.

The point of this discussion is “the sticking point”.

You might be asked to “stick (remain adhered) to the point”.


Ink Corporate
It could be a reference term in cooking. When you make candy and boil the sugar and water together it begins to thicken and get sticky. Or they call it the soft ball stage.

Billy T
Depends on what part of the country you are from.This is a slang for different subjects depending on how it comes about.

A point, issue, or situation that causes or is likely to cause an impasse

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