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What do you suggest I do with my life if I can’t get financial aid for college next semester?

I had a rough semester & I think I’m going to fail. I already have my Bachelor’s degree in Spanish, but I’m not fluent. I’m taking extra undergrad courses, in which I “thought” I’d make good grades, but I’ve had such a stressful semester. I don’t even think I’ll be able to make it to grad school.

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Hey yeah you got a bachelor’s degree that’s the good part…

Congrats! And it’s in Spanish hey that’s pretty good…

So rough semester and you think that your’e going to fail huh…? Well the good news is that you think but, no matter what it couldn’t be that bad right…? As long as your able to get the grades that you truly wanted then it’s fine…

Taking undergrad courses wow that sounds pretty tough…

Don’t think about failing about right now because this is just the very very beginning okay…? I thought the same thing high school and it turned out to be something that I later on enjoyed… So please pretty please don’t think about giving up hope on this major yet… If youre patient this might later turn out to be the one thing that you enjoy later on in life…

So don’t give up it yet… And there are lot of scholarships out there and there are lot of unclaimed money out there so all there is to is just to apply to alot of them…

Or just pray to God to let you have an easier time of college…

Man college is just rough…

But, hey congrats on that bachelor’s degree!!

And oh yeah God bless and have a nice semester all right…? Well if you have any further problems that I might be able to help you with just give a little note and I will try to get back to you on time… So here it is my e-mail [email protected]

Well then see you around…


It’s not strictly necessary to finish your degree in a set number of years, plenty of people go part time and take as long as they need to. It’s just the financial aid folk that push you to get done as quickly as possible, so you can start paying them back. If they turn you down, feel free to turn the tables and go part time next semester. Get a job to cover expenses, and treat yourself to a much lower stress level. If you get a job with Spanish speaking folk, you can have the added bonus of getting some practical experience, which will look great on your resume later. There’s nothing that improves a language skill faster than having to use it on a daily basis. Taking fewer classes will also let you spend more time on each one, which will bring your GPA back up. If they do keep you on, give yourself a semester with only one tough class, and have the rest of them be easier.

Good Luck


Take a break from school. Take a job, any kind of job, for now. Think “It’s just a job, not a career”. The job will give you 2 things: much needed money (save it up) and work experience. Meanwhile, scourge the internet for sources of scholarship and student loans. Apply and go back to school after a year or so. The time off will give you a chance to rethink your life goals and work out a strategy.

Follow your passion…whatever that may be. If you get paid for it, even better!

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