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What club/team should I join?

I’m starting highschool in the fall and I’m wondering what clubs or teams I should join. I really like debate and will probley do that, but what kind of options are there?

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See if your school has a Model United Nations team. MUN simulates the United Nations and gives students a chance to represent different countries on different worldly issues. In the club, you practice giving speeches, learning how to see things from other nations’ point of view, learn how to write resolutions with others, and, most importantly, how to debate.

There are several reasons why this is often a better option than ‘regular’ debate.

1) Topics are worldly; not only will the experience give you a better handle on the different issues that are going on globally, it gives you an opportunity to expand your understanding by looking at issues from a culturally different viewpoint.

2) The opportunity for travel is great. MUN conferences take place all over the country, from Berkeley to New York.

3) Given the diverse background of many participants (particularly since they will be representing vastly different viewpoints), learning how to work with these people to resolve differences gives you an advantage over regular debate. The point isn’t to WIN, it’s to simulate real problem solving.

4) Colleges love it for all the above reasons.


Try Drama–school play—band— I would recommend chess club but you being in debate would be bored under the table…Try the track team put your sneeker on and do some running — need the outdoors activities… Swim team??? don’t know how to swim– they teach that

S.A.G.A, animal rights, tennis, and the chess clubs are fun!

but if you like to argue with people, definitely join the debate team.

by the way, you can join more than one club… :]


There are a lot of different kinds of debate teams. When you register you will see all of your options. you might just pick one you did not even think about

volleyball, soccer, math club, student council, leadership council, cheerleading, golf, DEBATE team,

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